Our Services

There is enough evidence to show that personalised professional care can have a profoundly positive impact on the lives of those living with a disability. From participating in social activities to living independently we will work with you to provide disability care in a way that best suits you.



We provide assisted transport services for personal, medical and social appointments. Assistance with travel and transport include supports that enable participant’s to build capacity to independently travel, including through personal transport-related aids and equipment, or training to use public transport.


Household Tasks

Our friendly support workers can assist you with your daily household tasks so that you can focus on things you love. The household tasks include:

  • General cleaning

  • Taking out the rubbish

  • Cleaning the kitchen

  • Cleaning the bathroom

  • Making sure food in the fridge and pantry is current

  • Sweeping outdoor areas

  • Tidying paths and steps

  • Gardening

Whether you need regular or just occasional domestic assistance, our team can ensure that your home is safe, tidy and comfortable.


Assist Personal Activities

Our caring and skilled workers can support and supervise your daily activities like personal hygiene, eating and drinking, attending appointments, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and many more. In addition, we make sure that we will accompany you to your appointments with the doctor or specialists. 

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Community Participation

We understand the importance of being connected to a community and participating in social events. That’s why HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES provides a range of community & social participation programs that suit your interest. As a service provider our service coordinator will consult with you and/or your family member to know your interests and needs to help you decide the activities you want to participate. We are always encouraging you to try new things and experiences which might include arts & craft, music, technology or fitness activities. You can choose to learn skills individually or join a group. These activities build skills and confidence and help improve the ability to interact and develop new relationships.


Community Nursing Care

We have a team of qualified Registered Nurses providing services like wound care, catheter care, medication administration including sub-cut injections, enteral feeding and management, trachea care, and continence assessments, bowel management.


Building Modifications

Home modifications are changes to the structure, layout or fittings of a participant’s home so that they can safely access it, move around comfortably in areas they frequently use and thus become independent. Your Occupational Therapists can assess your home and prescribe equipment and modifications, tailored to your specific needs, with your safety and independence in mind. Our tradespeople are fully qualified, insured and licensed professionals experienced in-home modifications and renovations. Modifications may include:

  • Installation of ramps, steps, stair climbers, and other access modifications to improve the safety and accessibility of your home.

  • Installation of handrails, grab rails, widening of doorways, lever taps, handheld shower hoses, and other minor modifications to improve the ease and convenience of living in your home.

  • Bathroom and toilet modifications.

  • Kitchen modifications.

  • Raised garden beds


Accommodation & Tenancy

There are a range of alternative home and living options and supports, including Home Modifications, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), private rental, social housing or other group residential settings. Our support coordinator can help you contact the relevant provider. If you are eligible for SDA, our support coordinator can help you use NDIA’s SDA vacancy matching platforms to help you find and connect with available SDA homes in your local area.

You should seek appropriate independent advice that takes your circumstances into consideration and evaluate service offerings carefully. HELLO LIFECARE SERVICES doesn’t accept liability for any claims or losses arising directly or indirectly from services provided by third-party platform providers.


Meal Preparation and Healthy Eating

Get assistance with meal preparation or get meals delivered so you can have nourishing food to feel good about. We will try our best to provide you with a support worker who can cook according to your specific dietary, cultural or religious beliefs.

If you are not sure what services might be of benefit to you, or if the service you require is not listed, do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.